Monday, 16 May 2016

PPP2 Evaluation

I always really enjoy the module of PPP, this is mainly because it is pretty self directed. This year I have particularly enjoyed it though because it has allowed us to figure out who we are as animators and individuals. It's been a great help for people like me who at the beginning literally just thought of myself as a guy who animates. Well what this module was to me was the opportunity to take stock and look at all the work I had produced and am producing and figure out how I can basically show it off and present it. Furthermore it has been a unique chance to do stuff I feel is pretty important as an animator.

One part of this module in particular that I feel has been very beneficial to me is creating an ident. I love the idea of putting an ident or logo on anything I create. It makes my work look less random and more professional. It's like if I'm showing someone an animation now it's less like I'm actually showing them just an animation and now like I'm showing someone a Max Ardron animation which for me is pretty cool.

Last year I hardly spent anytime at all on my showreel, I think it took me soothing like ten minutes to produce and I did not take into account anything such as timing or editing. I don't think I even put any music to it. But this year I took this a lot more seriously. I regretted not putting in more effort to the showreel last year as it is important. It's all the work you've created in a year and I'm pretty proud of a lot of the work I have created this year so obviously I wanted to show it off in a way where the showreel is an enjoyable experience to watch in of itself. So this year I spent a lot more time developing it and made sure to time it to music. I even made two showreels, one that contains all my second year work. And I also created one that is essentially an update of my first year showreel, containing work that I have created in the past two years that hopefully I will be able to update every year with new stuff.

This year's PPP has also been beneficial to me because it has forced me to sort out my online presence. I have always used social networks to post my work. But to be honest I would often neglect them. This year I was originally slightly unwilling to sort this out as it seemed like a lot of effort and a bit of a waste of time since I felt it was taking time away from me working on actual projects. But as I got into it I found it to be very rewarding and actually encouraged me to create more good work so I can show it off and further develop my portfolio that at the start of this year seemed limited but now seems to contain a lot more stuff.

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